South Carolina Citizen Journal

July 2, 2011

Ken Ard violates public trust

Filed under: Campaign Finance, Ethics, Public Trust — NotforHire @ 9:06 am

Ken Ard’s 107 Ethics violations- that is ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN ETHICS VIOLATIONS, certainly means that he will agree to leave public office, never to return again.

If he does not agree to leave office then he should be removed from office.

There is nothing more important than the trust we place in our public office holders, and if that is violated, then there should be real consequences. There are plenty of ethical, trustworthy South Carolina citizens we can count on to hold public office, but obviously Ken Ard is not one of them.


June 30, 2011

The Conservation Bank

Filed under: Economy, Environment, Ethics, Haley, South Carolina — NotforHire @ 8:05 am

There is no doubt that the Land Bank should be fully funded. It should be considered a central key to South Carolina’s future, both environmentally and economically.

As our state’s population continues to expand over the next decades, it is absolutely critical that as much open space be preserved as possible. Not only should the Conservation Bank be given its full $12 million in funding, the fund amount should be tripled from its current level.

The longer we wait to preserve these lands, the less of them there will be to preserve, and it will also become much more expensive to do so the future. Now is the time to be moving forcefully ahead with our state’s Conservation Bank.

Iowa Legislature Looks to Ban Investigative Reporting on Farms

Filed under: Bureaucracy, Environment, Ethics — NotforHire @ 7:52 am

No matter how you feel about organizations such as PETA and Mercy for Animals, it would be a grave mistake to make investigative reporting by any person or organization illegal.

June 29, 2011

U.S. cost of war at least $3.7 trillion and counting

Filed under: Economy, Federal — NotforHire @ 1:37 pm

According to this Reuter’s article, the cost of U.S. wars could reach 4.4 trillion dollars.

June 28, 2011

Somalia Vacation Video

Filed under: Humor, legislature, Misc., South Carolina, Taxes, U.S. Congress — NotforHire @ 7:46 am

I enjoyed this little youtube ditty, let me know what you think.

October 1, 2009

Energy Taxes

Filed under: Circle the Wagons, Economy, Energy, Environment, South Carolina, Taxes, Transportation — NotforHire @ 8:29 am

Forget “Cap and Trade” and “Climate Change Legislation”. What we are really talking about are taxes on fossil fuel energy consumption. And taxes on fossil fuel consumption are exactly what we need  in order for our state to prosper in the coming decades.

South Carolina currently imports $14 billion in oil and $10 billion in coal a year. That, my friends, is a chunk of change. It is a huge drag on our economy and a problem that will only get worse. The time has long past for action on this issue.

What our primary focus should be is how to get those numbers down. The sooner we start thinking about energy independence as a  state, and actually implementing a plan, the better off we will be. The state that produces all of its own energy is going to be the state that is strongest and most competitive in the global marketplace.

Higher taxes on imported fossil fuels are necessary to fund our transition to in-state produced sources of energy. To all of you short term thinkers out there,  get out of the way.

September 29, 2009

Governor’s office takes stimulus money

Filed under: Ethics, Federal, Sanford, South Carolina — NotforHire @ 5:47 am

I am curious to know what the Governor’s office is doing with the $13.9 million in stimulus money that it took.

Anybody? Bueller?

And the Lt. Governor’s office took $419,000? Can we get an accounting for this 14 million dollars?

September 26, 2009

Wind Turbine Test Facility

Filed under: Economy, Energy, Environment, Federal, South Carolina, U.S. Congress — NotforHire @ 7:47 am

South Carolina is “in a race” for a 45 million dollar test facility for super size wind turbines to be funded by the federal government. Other states on the track are Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Michigan.

Oh, to win this race. It is imperative that South Carolina become energy independent as soon as possible, and such a facility could act as a catapult in that direction.  But I wonder which state will win the race. Do we really think it will be the state from which a congressman(and I do use that term loosely), at a joint session of our nation’s congress, shouted out “you lie” at the chief executive?

Though it would be a really great thing for our state, I am not holding my breath.

September 24, 2009

State schools hire lobbyists

Filed under: Bureaucracy, Economy, Education, Ethics, legislature, South Carolina, Taxes — NotforHire @ 6:48 am

Let’s see, South Carolina tax dollars being spent to pay individuals to lobby for state institutions of higher learning. I can certainly see where federal and state money is getting harder to come by these days, but I also wonder why the board of directors are not stepping up and taking on that role. Isn’t that one of their tasks traditionally? Perhaps instead of spending eighty to a hundred thousand dollars a year on a lobbyist, these institutions should tell their board members to get it in gear, or step aside and make room on the board for people who can get the job done. Why, with the savings, the schools could probably pay for three or four more professors.

September 10, 2009

Joe Wilson

Filed under: Education, Ethics, Federal, South Carolina, U.S. Congress — NotforHire @ 8:00 am

Maybe next time he could throw a shoe. Maybe he could run naked through the chamber.

Maybe Mr. Wilson’s representation of our state should be reconsidered.

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